Home Staging Company
in San Francisco Bay Area
Design Home in Style for Maximum Value.
Why Home Staging?
Your house redefined with home staging, looked astounding, buyers love at the first sight.
The biggest cost savings for home sellers who use home staging? Selling their home faster, at a better price, and without months of carrying costs."
Home staging raised the dollar value offered between 1% and 5%, compared to similar homes on the market that hadn't been staged."
National Association of REALTORS
The investment IN staging your home will always be less than a price reduction ON your home!"
Barb Schwarz, Creator of Home Staging

Our company, StyleMe Home Staging, was founded and initially instituted in the Santa Clara Valley, California. We are currently operating out of our warehouse located in San Jose. We are serving the clients around the San Francisco Bay Area.
As one of the established home staging company in San Francisco Bay Area, we strive for the highest customer satisfaction. We aim to create a thoughtful design for your space and stage the house with furniture and accessories according to the population of potential buyers in the area. We have diverse selections of inventories and are constantly refreshing them to stay updated. Our approach to home staging is Simple yet Elegant.
We understand that real estate transaction is a timing critical process, hence it is our goal to deliver our services in the shortest turnaround time. Let us work with you to make your home selling experiences pleasant!